The refrigerator is most likely the most-used appliance in your home. It is running twenty-four hours a day and continuously has items taken from it or placed in it. Inevitably, items get spilled, and things are forgotten and left to spoil or rot. Soon your fridge begins to smell and, even worse, work less efficiently. While the colder environment slows the growth of bacteria, it can still grow and spread to other items in your fridge, causing them to spoil at a faster rate. That is why it is essential to keep your refrigerator clean to ensure that what you eat stays fresh, and you remain healthy.
In order to maintain a fresh refrigerator, you should be cleaning it as needed, whether that be daily, weekly, or entirely at least once a year. You will likely open your fridge at least once a day when you do take a quick scan of your items and make sure nothing is past its expiration. If you spill anything in the refrigerator, simply wipe it up right away to keep it from spoiling. Also, make sure that the items you put into the fridge are clean and free of drips and leaks.
On a weekly basis, take a full inventory of everything in your refrigerator, throwing out anything that has gone bad and prioritizing older items. Wipe down the outside of the doors weekly as well by using soap and water and pay special attention to the door handles. The exterior of your refrigerator is constantly being touched and can become home to a lot of germs. Cleaning it can help prevent colds and other illnesses from spreading throughout your household.
It is good to give your entire fridge a thorough deep cleaning once a year. Completely empty out the fridge of any and all items and unplug it, allowing it to reach room temperature before cleaning it. Remove all of the shelves and drawers; it is much easier to wash them separately from the fridge. Scrub down your entire fridge with soap and water, as well as the shelves and doors. This is also an excellent opportunity to clean your door seals. Over time crumbs and dirt collect in the door seals and lessen their efficiency. Cleaning them can help your fridge stay cooler and ensure items remain fresh as long as possible. Lastly, make sure everything is dry before putting your fridge back together, returning any items, and turning it on to the normal setting.
Tips for Maintaining a Clean Fridge
- Make sure that items are clean before putting them in the fridge.
- Place items that are defrosting on a plate to keep liquid from spreading.
- Ensure leftovers are packed in sealed containers.
- Keep a box of baking soda in the fridge to keep it smelling fresh.
- Coffee grounds, activated charcoal, or cat litter can be spread on a tray and placed in the fridge for a while to neutralize more stubborn odors.
The fridge stores your food and drink, so it is vital to keep it clean in order to keep you healthy. The easiest way to ensure your fridge stays clean is to keep the stuff you put in the refrigerator clean and properly sealed. Maintaining a clean and odor-free fridge is simple as long as you keep up with it. If you have any additional tips, feel free to leave them below in the comment section, we would love to hear from you!