Entertaining and hosting a guest can be a blast! However, setting up for them can be a little challenging. If you have ever stayed at a hotel, you may not know all the work that goes into the room before you even arrive. Likewise, prepping for your guest can be more than just inviting them over, especially if they are spending the night. If you are hosting an overnight guest, here is everything you need to know to make their stay as best as possible:
Evening Entertainment and Dining
Prior to your guest’s arrival, you should have the evening planned. These plans should be tentative and adaptable in case your guest has something else on their agenda. Communicate with your guest before they arrive and discuss what you may have in mind. You should also try to provide dinner for your guest. Make sure you recognize any of your guest’s food allergies and have options available at dinner. These simple tactics can make the evening flow smoothly.
Bedroom and Bathroom
Your guest room should provide the necessary accommodations you would expect if you were to check in to a hotel. Make sure you provide your guest with clean sheets, extra blankets, lots of pillows, and an alarm clock. You may want to provide extra cell phone chargers, water bottles, and an empty wastebasket. Make sure they understand what bathrooms are available for them to use and are provided with basic toiletries, tissues, and towels.
You may want to forewarn them about the breakfast plan the night before, so they know. This can show you thought ahead. Provide coffee, juice, and water for your company. You can make it buffet style or just make them a plate. This simple gesture can go a long way in making your guest feel like your home is welcoming.
Hosting guest is a fun way to open the doors to your home and make your atmosphere more welcoming. Your guest will notice the extra little details you put into treating them. For more insight on hosting guests, make sure to subscribe!