How to Step Your Entertainment Game

From family dinners to gathering your friends for a Friday game night, do you often find yourself hosting everything at your house? If so, you know that hosting in your home can sometimes be quite stressful. Like most hosts, you take gatherings at your place serious which is why we are going to show you how to create an atmosphere that is always ready for guests:

Entertaining Outdoors

Do you love entertaining outdoors during the summer months? Well, when you bring the party outdoors, you will need to make sure the backyard is equipped with cozy accessories. Be sure to load up your back patio with items that make your guests want to relax, stay a while even. You can add plush pillows on hard chairs and soft throw blankets to keep your guests warm. You can also light candles on the table tops to set the perfect cozy atmosphere as the sun sets.

In The Kitchen

As the heart of the home, the kitchen is where your guests will feel most at home. If you are planning on having a dinner party, avoid making the prep area off limits. Set out the drinks and platters of food inside your kitchen for your guests to freely enter. Allow them to serve themselves appetizers before the meal starts. By doing so, you do not exclude yourself from the party, but you can interact with guests while you make dinner.

The “Good” China

Think about it, when exactly do you pull out the “good stuff?” It does not have to be a holiday or a black tie event for you to pull out your prized dishware. An intimate gathering is a perfect time to serve your guests with your good china. What better way to make your guests feel special, and get to use your dishware?

Overnight Guests

If you plan on having overnight guests, you should create the ultimate cozy sleepover. It can be done by making sure the guest room and bathroom are well stocked with extra towels, sheets, toiletries, and other supplies.  Keeping the guest quarters well stocked with basic essentials will make them feel comfortable during their stay.

Ample Seating

The one thing that can make or break your an event is not having enough seating. While your guests will likely want to mingle with each other, at some point, they will want to take a seat. Make sure you have seating for at least half of the guests that will be attending your home gathering.

What is your favorite way to entertain? We would love to hear your thoughts below in the comment section.