Office Organization Tips for Your Home or Workplace

Your home or work office may not be living up to its full potential. Maybe you have not had time to buy a filing system, or your junk drawer is getting more significant as the days go on, but we are here to help. No matter which office you are trying to organize, you can take these four tips to maximize its functionality and usability. Let’s get started:

How to Organize Your Office (Home or Work):

Tip No. One: Separate Your Supplies.

Designate a specific area in your office for everything. Spend time organizing your office supplies and separating them into specific groups. Have your papers (sticky-notes, notepads, reams of paper), writing utensils (pens, pencils, markers, highlighters), and other materials in groups of a kind.  Once you have separated the items, place them into drawers that maximize your movement. Put the office supplies that you frequently use within an arm’s reach. This will help you to be more productive at work.

Tip No. Two: Remove Excess Paper from Your Desktop.

Only allow yourself to keep the bare minimum on your desktop. Remove all expired sticky-notes and space wasters. Try to limit yourself to the essentials (pens, paper, calendar, telephone, computer, etc.) The less you have on your desktop; the less stress you will have when you are trying to find something.

Tip No. Three: Install a Shelving System.

Think about all the wasted space on your walls that you could have used for storage. Make sure it is okay with your company before you drill into the walls, but try and incorporate a storage system. You can place binders, books, and reams of paper on the shelves and free up space on your desktop.

Tip No. Four: Use Your Technology.

Instead of owning a thousand papers and filing them in your actual office, make a digital copy on your computer. We only recommend doing this for paperwork that is not extremely important. You can create folders on your computer to store all of your paperwork. Just simply scan them onto your desktop.

We hope you enjoyed these quick and easy tips for organizing your office! Let us know your thoughts in the comment section.