A child’s bedroom should be a room where imagination, creativity, and fun are all welcomed. Often, we find it hard to balance the idea of “fun” and organization in their rooms. We want to help you maximize the amount of fun they have in their rooms while maintaining an organized system with these four tips.
Organizing a Child’s Bedroom:
- Think Like a Kid. Before you begin the organization and decorating process, you will need to keep in mind that a child’s bedroom differs a lot from an adult’s bedroom. Things that may seem like stylish options can be harmful or hard for kids to use. Try to make the room as child-friendly as possible by rethinking height, safety, and durability. You may have to lower the clothing rods in your closet to an appropriate height for your kiddo and swap out your trendy dresser for an easy-to-open, pinch-free dresser. Also, you will want to consider how long the piece will last in this room based off of its durability.
- Little Hands. Instead of organizing from top to bottom, focus on organizing from bottom to top. Try to place items like toys in spots that are “easy for them to put away but hard for them to get out.” This will help you, the parent, determine when it is and is not playtime. Also, it will help keep them on track while they are getting ready. You should try and place necessary items near the ground to help the kids refrain from standing up on furniture and potentially hurting themselves. Items that are not used very often or are just for you can be placed on high shelves in the closet.
- Belongings. Kids will be kids and sometimes they will forget their favorite backpack at the park or school. Labeling can help assure their items return home safely and distinguish which pair of socks belongs to which sibling. Try tucking labels inside of their each item to help prevent losing them.
- Clean-up Routine. A child’s bedroom can turn into a messy nightmare in seconds. Parents can prepare in advance by making cleaning “fun” and setting a schedule. Encourage them to make their bed every morning to their favorite song and put away their clean and dirty clothes for a treat at lunchtime. Rewards are always fun, no matter what age you are.
We hope you enjoyed these four tips for organizing a child’s bedroom. How do you encourage your kid to stay motivated when cleaning? We would love to hear from you in the comment section.