Roses have captured the hearts of many over the years because of their beauty and fragrance. The best time to plant roses is in the early spring or fall and you will notice them in full bloom during the early to midsummer months. You can easily put these colorful, breathtaking flowers in your yard by following these simple steps:
Supply List:
- Garden Gloves
- Large Ceramic Container (18 inches deep)
- Broken Clay Pot Pieces
- Potting Mix
- Bagged Manure
- Slow-release Fertilizer
- A Patio Rose (Examples: Regensburg or Ingrid Bergman)
- Bedding Plants (Example: Bacopa)
Preparation: Place the pot wherever you want it to sit on your patio or in your garden because once we fill it, it will be difficult to lift.
Step One: Gently place your broken clay pot pieces at the base of the ceramic container then sprinkle a layer of your potting mix combined with well-rotted manure. Your mixture should be 1:10 (manure: soil).
Step Two: Take your potted rose and put it inside of your ceramic container to check the depth. You want the base of the stems to be underneath the soil. Take your rose out of its pot and place it inside of the ceramic container. Add or remove soil wherever needed.
Step Three: Now we are going to take our bedding plant and remove it from its original container. Gently place the plant inside of the ceramic container and add your soil/manure mixture around the plant’s base. You will want to make sure that you leave approximately two inches between the soil and the ceramic container’s rim for watering purposes.
After Planting: Make sure to water your plant and keep it moist during the growing season. During springtime, take the out the top layer of soil and add in some fresh soil and granular rose fertilizer. During the early summer months, you may choose to add the liquid feed to your roses. During the winter months, place your ceramic pot on top of “feet.” The feet will help allow the plant to drain properly.
Roses can brighten anyone’s day and they can be a great gift to give to show your appreciation for someone. From teachers to mothers, gifting your potted roses can be a thoughtful gesture. We hope you enjoyed these steps and your new roses.