Buying furniture for a new home or simply refreshing the look of your current one can be a big task. You want to be sure that your selections are thoughtful and appropriate for your lifestyle while being stylish at the same time. Rushing the process and being unprepared when you start your journey can lead to decorating mistakes and put you in the position of having to either send things back to the store or being unhappy with your hasty choices. Here are some easy ways to make sure that these things don’t happen and that your purchases will bring you nothing but enjoyment for years to come.
Preparation is key. You may be itching to run out to the store right now and get started, but there are a few things you need to do before you even leave the house. Measuring your space is your first step. Measure not only the floors but the ceiling height as well. Showrooms tend to have taller ceilings and wider spacing to stage their products. This can give you an altered impression of how much square footage is required to hold these items. Knowing how much space you’re working with as well as how tall your ceilings are will prevent you from purchasing items that are not proportionate to your home. Remember to also calculate how much open walking area you desire once the pieces are in. Overcrowding the room won’t do you any favors when it comes time to place everything in it.
Make a list of the items that are essential to your space, starting with the largest items first. Work your way down the list to accessories you may want to add for accenting. Always deal with your must-haves first to make sure you don’t lose valuable space for them in your home. Bring your tape measure and measurements with you and head out the door!
Most importantly, take your time. These are large purchases you’re making that you will have in your home for a long time. There is no need to buy everything on your first outing. Sit on couches, chairs, and beds to test for comfort. Open and close dressers, armoires, and hutches for ease of use. Check for imperfections and feel their textures. Keep in mind that colors and styles can vary from what is displayed in a showroom. If you like a certain style but don’t love the finish, there may be an alternative available that is not on display.
With a little preparation and patience, you are sure to find the best pieces for your home. Get started today!