Starting college can be stressful and intimidating at first. Since your dorm room is where you will be spending a good sum of your time, you can ease into the transition of college by making your dorm room feel more like home. College probably means you do not have a large budget, so designing your dorm room can be a bit challenging. If you are going to spend money, make sure you put it in the right places. Here are three ideas worth investing in to upgrade your dorm room:
Pictures can express yourself and give meaning to your room. Most dorm rooms will come in a very neutral color palleted walls and flooring. You probably cannot paint your walls, but you can add pictures! Add life with colorful and meaningful images. You can make a gallery wall above your bed or invest in one impactful photo. You can even have some of your favorite photos of your friends and family printed out onto canvases and hung in your dorm. Pictures are a great way to transform a boring space and tailor it to you.
Add warmth and comfort to your space by investing in a rug. You do not need to spend an arm and leg on a nice area rug. Find one that can help add comfort to your space. Remember, rugs can stain, so you will want to be cognitive on what you and your roommate do in your room after the investment (i.e., eating on the rug).
Your dorm is probably shared with a roommate. You both are perhaps putting elements into your space to make it more welcoming. Your bed is your personal space. Investing in a comforter that expresses you can make your dorm feel more personal. While you both may hang pictures or put décor around the atmosphere, your bed is directly and personally tied to you. Make a statement with some fun sheets, pillows, and comforter.
These three investments are simple ways to help make your dorm room feel like home. Do not wait to personalize your room; find areas you want to improve and add a splash of you. You will not regret it.