The dishes have been washed, the floors are mopped, and all the kid’s toys have been put away in their proper place, but it seems like no matter how much you tidy up, your home it still looks chaotic. You would be surprised by how small clutter, technology, and a host of other factors can make your house look messy even when you have undergone a deep cleaning. To help, here are some ordinary things that can be affecting the overall aesthetics of your home’s interior:
Tangled Wires
The fifty-inch television in the living room that is probably your pride and joy could be the very thing that is making your house look untidy. Get creative and find a way to mask tangled wires and plugs. Free your walls of HDMI cords as well as cords from the DVD player. Keeping such wires exposed can look tacky and takes away from the room’s decor.
Left-Over Laundry
Are you still trying to find time to fold and put away last week’s laundry? Try to find a place other than the corner of your bedroom or the living room to store clean laundry. There is no doubt that it takes away from the interior. All you have to do is find some time to put things away in their proper place.
Cluttered Countertops
Do you own enough beauty products in the bathroom to stock aisles? Find a way to remove as many products from your counters, and try finding other areas in the home where you can store some products. You can even find new creative ways to create additional under the sink storage. This same method should also be applied when it comes to clearing your kitchen countertops. Getting rid the clutter on your countertops will result in a crisp, clean and streamlined look.
Unmade Bed
We have been told since childhood to make sure the bed was made. Somehow that concept goes out the window on those rushed mornings. Making your bed every day will instantly make things look neat, but it also creates the perfect opportunity to show off your stylish bedding.
Messy Entryway
Is your entryway littered with coats and shoes blocking the doorway? Use storage bins to make space for your bookbags, shoes, and jackets. You can even install additional hooks to hang your belongings and remove them from the floors.
When you begin to see clutter overtaking your home, it can be the perfect chance to tidy up and make your place look brand new. We recommend focusing on these five areas to help make your place sparkling. For more expert tips and tricks, be sure to visit us weekly at Fulton Homes. Thanks for reading!