While whipping up a fast family dinner, your refrigerator can get messy and out of sorts. To help keep things looking crisp and clean, you can follow our five tips for maximum fridge organization.
How to Organize Your Refrigerator:
Tip No. One: Let’s Make it Clear.
An easy way to find the things that you are looking for is to put the items in clear bins. Your fridge probably already has a few clear drawers installed, but it is never too late to add more clear bins. They can help you organize and maintain your food system without breaking the bank. Add the bins on top of your shelves to help organize any clutter.
Tip No. Two: Groupings.
To navigate quickly throughout your refrigerator, you will want to organize items by category. Place fruits in one bin/drawer and dairy items in a different bin/drawer. Make sure your family is clear on the system and encourage them to put things in the correct spot.
Tip No. Three: The No-No Zone.
Dairy should not be placed in your refrigerator’s door, because the air and temperatures fluctuate a little too often for comfort. To keep your dairy products safe, make sure you have a place on the shelves for them.
Tip No. Four: The Safe Zone.
Meats can contaminate your other food products if they come into contact. A good way to prevent any dripping or contamination is to place your meat products on the lowest shelf possible.
Tip No. Five: Labeled.
Keep track of eggs, milk, and meat expiration dates by writing them on the product. You will only need to write on one egg and it will be the last egg you use. For example: if you buy a dozen eggs and they expire on August 17, you will write “August 17” on one of the dozen eggs. Throughout the week, you will use every egg except for the “August 17” egg. You want that to be the last egg that you will use. This will help you efficiently keep track of your egg’s expiration dates. Your other products you can simply use duck tape and a permanent marker to write down their expiration dates on their packaging.
Have you found any personal organization tips that work for you and your family? We would love to hear about them in the comment section!