With today’s demanding schedule, finding time to clean and keep your home clutter-free is a monumental task! Some of us enjoy cleaning and see it as therapeutic. Some of us despise cleaning and procrastinate at every turn, while others hire a service to clean. No matter which category you are in, everyone can benefit from the following clutter free tips:
- Commit to a Schedule – When you stop and look around the house, you’re mortified by the mess! Where to start can be an overwhelming feeling. The key is to commit to a day, or a time slot and enter on your calendar. Start with one room, and don’t get sidetracked by finding yourself in another room (Guilty)!
- Clear Countertops – Grab a basket or container and start clearing off dresser tops, nightstands, bathroom counters, kitchen counters, etc. Bathroom countertops are notorious for being a catch-all for those drug store purchases. Whether you use an item or not, just walking into a bathroom that is filled with products can cause confusion, and is a definite eyesore. Put hairdryers, flat irons, rollers, hair product, etc. in a container (label it), and store it under the counter, or an assigned place for easy access.
- Declutter the “Catch All” Drawer – Most of us are guilty of having the infamous drawer that everyone in the house uses for “stuff”! The infamous drawer gives everyone a free pass to dump whatever will fit in the drawer. Eliminating the “catch all” drawer forces everyone in the house to put those items back in their intended location.
- Recycle Items – Every home has left over boxes, containers, and zippered plastic bags, laying around. Kids love helping with this task. Let their creativity run wild while decorating and coloring these items for artsy storage containers. Remember, you are pitching in and recycling unwanted items while creating a home for stuff (ink pens, office supplies, nails and screws, loose change, etc.)!
You will be surprised how much time you save when cleaning your decluttered house. Now that the house is clutter free, don’t procrastinate!