Have you considered shutters for your windows? They work equally well with modern or traditional styles, and can provide just the right balance of light and privacy.
Take a look at how shutters work in this room with its simple lines and choices of colors. The adjustable louvers are set to let light in without glare and while maintaining privacy.
The pure white of this shutter choice is perfect with this room’s design choices. There is just enough light yellow-green to allow the whites to carry a soft shadow of color. Even in the heat of summer, this room provides a cool escape.
Everything about this space speaks to simple good taste. The slightly-different shades of green on the pillow, vase, clock and even the houseplant keep every piece interesting and individual. Choosing to add the silver labels on the shelves and one small turquoise element – the box – adds just enough difference to keep this corner from lapsing into the danger of too much matching.
The best part of this room is the quality of the light. With louvers keeping the sun under control, any window can provide a comfortable level of light at any time during the day. The soft feeling of this space comes from a sophisticated use of its shutters. Shutters come in many colors and wood tones. Here, the simple white painted effect suits the room’s design.
Are you ready to add shutters to your home? Come into our showroom and let us show you the rich variety of design choices available.